Friday, November 2, 2012

My Children are my World

Today (and EVERYDAY) I am thankful for my children!!  After God they are what keep me going....Both mentally in physically!  I have been blessed with two beautiful children here on earth and two more who are in heaven.   So many times when I have felt like giving up, my kids have reminded me how blessed I am.  They put a smile on my face everyday.  I am so proud of them.

Caleb is so smart and talented.  He is VERY energetic and keeps me on my toes. He is his Daddy made over.  He loves playing sports and doing art.  He also loves Carolina (His NENE has just a little to do with that) but says he will probably end up going to NC State to become an engineer.  Let me remind you he is only 8 years old and already has his life planned out.  He is also going to own/drive  a Lamborghini one day.  (I sure hope he does, HA)  He has already given his life to Christ and was saved this past summer!  I have never been so proud of him.  I will have to share the letter he wrote to God one day. I keep the original copy in my wallet, it is simply priceless.  He is his mommy's boy =)

Karsyn is the most caring individual I know.  She is always putting others before herself.  She was born premature and I never even saw her till she was over a day old :'(  She has a beautiful soul and loves to help others.  She can be bit of a drama queen and is VERY sensitive.  I guess you can say "she wears her heart on her sleeve."  She doesn't like to see anyone hurting or upset.  She is my entertainer.  You never know what she will say or do but we will all most likely be laughing.  Not to mention she is a giggle box herself.  Once she starts laughing (or crying) she cannot stop.  She loves to be rocked and I love rocking her.  She reminds me a lot of myself!  She is my best friend.

Sorry for the blurry cell phone photo

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